The LS2 Annual Meeting 2025 will be hosted at the University of Fribourg, bringing together scientists from various fields of life sciences to highlight the diversity and interdisciplinary research taking place in Switzerland. This event serves as a dynamic platform for scientific exchange, with participants from different countries and scientific backgrounds.
This year’s theme, “The Complexity of Life: From Molecular Assemblies to Networks,” focuses on the collective effort to understand the function and regulation of life. The meeting will feature keynote lectures by distinguished scientists, including Prof. Sascha Martens from the University of Vienna, Vienna BioCenter (AT), Prof. Bernhard Küster from the Technical University of Munich (DE), and Prof. Irene Miguel-Aliaga from the Francis Crick Institute (UK). Their lectures will explore a range of captivating topics, from protein assemblies regulating membrane dynamics to proteome regulation and organ plasticity.
The program will also include scientific symposia organized by various LS2 sections and partners, with ten invited speakers and over 40 speakers selected from abstract submissions. In keeping with tradition, the laureate talks by recipients of the Friedrich Miescher Award and the Lelio Orci Award will also be featured. Two poster sessions and a large industry exhibition will provide ample opportunities for networking and scientific interaction.
The LS2 Annual Meeting continues to prioritize the engagement of young scientists, offering a unique opportunity to connect with peers and leading experts in the field. Attendees are encouraged to take part in 2 ½ days of stimulating discussions and collaboration.
Special thanks are extended to the sponsors and exhibitors whose support makes this event possible. Attendees are invited to visit the exhibition area to learn about the latest technological advancements and engage with industry representatives.
The LS2 Annual Meeting 2025 promises to be an exciting and enriching experience for all participants.