3Rs Project Grant 2025

3Rs Doctorate 2025

3Rs Support Grant

Knowledge Transfer

Current Funding Opportunities

The funding schemes available for the current funding cycle (2025-2028) are still in their planning phase, so things are still pending confirmation and are subject to changes.

3Rs Doctorate Programme 2025 (Open for outline applications now until April 2025)
Just as with its previous round, we are certain to have a 3Rs Doctorate Programme. Here the centre aims to encourage a new generation of researchers to put new methods into active practice and disseminate them, thereby advancing the application of the 3Rs principle. Next call for projects runs from January to April 2025.

3R Project Grants (Open for outline applications until March 2025; next call in 2027)
This will be our main call for project funding, now every-other year. Open to academic researchers based in Switzerland aiming for significant 3Rs advancement. This effectively replaces the previous "Open Call" and "Targeted Call" schemes, and is setup to provide increased funding per call. The next call for projects opens from January to March 2025.

3Rs Support Grants (2026 & 2028)
Supporting ongoing research activities relevant to the 3Rs. Increasing 3Rs implementation, education and/or communication. Grants here are generally expected to be maximum CHF 20'000.- and as such function to enhance or implement 3Rs activities. This scheme replaces the previous Refinement Grant, without the strict focus and potential 3Rs-classification issues we've encountered. Next call likely to be 2026, or late 2025.

Knowledge Transfer Grants (Annually between 2025-2028)
Similarly to the previous funding cycle, we will provide our 3Rs Knowledge Transfer Grants. Younger researchers may apply for funding of a short-term stay with another national or international research group to learn a novel 3Rs approach and implement it at their home institution. Additionally, we will also fund projects where externals experts are invited to the home institution. Next call will likely be in the spring of 2025.

Visit our Funded Projects for more information on the projects we have funded.

Each specific call will have its own set of eligibility criteria, application forms, review forms, and guidance.
For the most general information on our funding process, see our regulations (December 2024)

Previous Funding Schemes

During the funding period 2021-2024, the 3RCC launched several calls to promote the advancement of 3Rs in Switzerland.

3Rs Doctorate Programme 2022 (Complete)
With its 3Rs Doctorate Programme the centre wants to encourage a new generation of researchers to put new methods into active practice and disseminate them, thereby advancing the application of the 3Rs principle. The next call for Doctorate funding will likely open early 2025.

Targeted Project Calls (2021, 2022, 2023 Complete | No call for 2024)
The most recent call focusses on new strategies for better management of surplus animals. In 2022, the call focused around furthering implementation of interesting, promising and scientifically established 3Rs-related approaches into effective practice. The 2021 call aimed to provide an integrated 3Rs-alternative approach for specific high-severity animal models.

Refinement Grants (2022, 2023 Complete | No call for 2024)
The centre is also offering Refinement Grants of up to CHF 20,000 to promote training and dissemination of already existing refinement approaches and to encourage development of further refinement approaches.

Knowledge Transfer Grants (2022, 2024 Complete)
Through Knowledge Transfer Grants younger researchers may apply for funding of a short-term stay with another national or international research group to learn a novel 3Rs approach and implement it at their home institution.

Visit our Funded Projects for more information on the projects we have funded.