Knowledge Transfer

Call for Knowledge Transfer 2025 to open Spring 2025

One of the challenges facing the implementation of 3Rs approaches is often the initial learning curve that other labs face in changing their standard procedures. There is an understandable concern that a potentially high initial investment may not be successful when applying an approach validated elsewhere. Often undergoing direct training from the institution that developed the novel approach is the best way to gain the expertise and confidence necessary for further implementation.

The Swiss 3RCC aims to provide support at this critical step between successful development of a 3Rs approach to its wider implementation throughout other Swiss institutions or organisations. Young researchers (PhD students or Postdocs), technicians, lab assistants who are currently active in Switzerland are encouraged to apply for a short-term stay with another national or international research group to learn a developed 3Rs approach and implement it in their home lab or institution. Interested persons who are already funded by another 3RCC Open or Targeted Call are ineligible for this funding scheme.

Previous call
Applications Open: March, 2024
Application Deadline: June 3rd, 2024
Budget: Up to CHF 10'000.-
Duration: A single day, up to 8 weeks stay
Application Form: All applications must be completed using our Grant Portal. You can find a template of the form here.
Eligibility: Any person currently working in a 3Rs-relevant setting in Switzerland from any sector (academia, industry, regulatory body, non-profit organisation, etc).

The 3Rs approach can be within the field of replacement, reduction or refinement and could be a particular alternative model, set of statistical tools, novel methodology or technology. The hosting lab should be / have been at the forefront of the development or key validation stages of the approach. Ideally, the travelling researcher will already have a specific project in preparation at their home-lab implementing the newly acquired knowledge / skills. The grant may cover travel costs, accommodation, consumable costs, or other costs directly associated with work to be performed during the visit, as well as potential cost related to the implementation in the home-lab. Both institutions must demonstrate their support of the exchange, and the researcher is expected to contribute with a report on the exchange. While collaborations between Swiss institutions will be favoured, the hosting research group can be located outside Switzerland if this can be justified to be the optimal opportunity.


The Swiss 3RCC has dedicated a minimum of CHF 70’000.- to this funding scheme until the end of 2024 to meet the strategic objectives of supporting the education on 3Rs topics as well as building and enabling collaborations between Swiss institutions in the 3Rs principle.

See the projects that were funded in the Knowledge Transfer 2022 and 2024 call here.