Zebrafish Refinement Webinar

As part of our commitment to open education, the recordings of the presentations from the Zebrafish Refinement Webinar, hosted on November 6th, 2023, are available below. Click here to learn more about this educational event.

Pain assessment, anaesthesia and analgesia in zebrafish by Lynne Sneddon

Dr Lynne Sneddon of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, presents her work on pain assessment, anaesthesia and analgesia in zebrafish.

Implementing enrichment for laboratory zebrafish by Chloe Stevens

Dr Chloe Stevens of the RSPCA, United Kingdom, presents her work on implementing enrichment for laboratory zebrafish.

Skin swabbing as a refined technique to collect DNA samples from laboratory fish by Will Norton

Dr Will Norton of the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, presents his work on skin swabbing as a refined technique to collect DNA samples from laboratory fish.

Refinement of zebrafish husbandry by Colette vom Berg

Dr Colette vom Berg of the EAWAG, Switzerland, presents her work on the refinement of zebrafish husbandry.

Culture of care in zebrafish by Andrina Zbinden

Dr Andrina Zbinden of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, presents her work on the Culture of Care in zebrafish.

The EggSorter, an automated tool to standardize the processing of zebrafish embryos by Ana Hernando

Ana Hernando Ariza of the company Bionomous SA presents her work on the EggSorter : an automated tool to standardize the screening, sorting, and dispensing of zebrafish embryos.